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In the modern world, people from all over the globe are trying to find ways to make their living in a rapidly advancing, innovative and growing society. The way in which people do that nowadays is by pursuing a profession that they love doing. However, many people have difficulties in coming up with a profession they love to do for a lengthy period of time. In this blog post I am going to be going through these struggles and providing some solutions about what options one has when struggling with finding an occupation they will enjoy without any worries of it being too difficult or taking too much time away from their personal life. The first solution is to get a job in a field that takes less time and provides you with more freedom. The job industry is very big and there are tons of different career paths to take in it. There are many different jobs in the industry and many routes to take in order to get one of them. For example: If you love working outdoors, obviously getting a job outside will be better for you than if you wanted to work inside. When it comes to the outdoors, one could become a landscaper, construction worker/the main person who builds houses, or even an engineer who designs the buildings. If you wanted to stay inside though, there could be many options for someone who loves working indoors. Some professions involve using their hands while others involve using their mind. There are options in every job that one could go into. The second solution is to get a job in a field that takes less time and provides more freedom than the first. A job will always take some of your time, whether it's short term or long term. The bigger choice you make for yourself, the bigger chunk of your life you'll be taking away from spending time with friends and family, playing sports, etc... The bigger choice one makes for their life nowadays is what field to go into, so if they want to be able to work remotely for some people then they could move into marketing or sales or marketing sales if they wanted to stay inside. If one wanted to work outside, they could move into landscaping or construction if they wanted to stay inside. Many careers are available for one to choose from, even if one only moves into a career that is similar to or the same as their previous career. The important part is knowing how long you want this job for and if it will fit in with your life plan. The third solution is to go back to school and get a degree in another field you love doing. Many people don't know this but there are tons of careers out there where one can get a degree in different fields and still make over $75k/yr. The reason people don't know about these careers is because they aren't as common as the ones we all hear about. Often times, people don't even know what these jobs are and that they're available to them. For example: A crazy job that I'm sure most people haven't heard of is an engineering geologist or an environmental engineer. Both of those jobs could be potentially very fulfilling because they take your creativity and imagination and apply it to solving real world problems by using math and science concepts. cfa1e77820


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